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Monday, September 14, 2009

What's in YOUR Bottled Water?

While mineral water has been traditionally more popular in Europe than elsewhere, popular U.S. spring water brands hint at the same health benefits just for being "natural".

As with any consumer product, READ THE LABEL. Some natural spring water brands are simply repackaged tap water, so look for the required "public water source" or "from a community water supply" before lugging a gallon jug to the checkout counter.

To get the maximum benefit of bottled water (besides life-giving H20), consumers should know exactly what minerals are contained in the most popular brands.

Below, is just some background information I found from

Aquafina - In the news in 2007 for blatantly misleading consumers about its source, Pepsico's Aquafina is actually just plain old tap water. The finding forced Aquafina makers to include the words "Public Water Source" (actually, the Detroit municipal reservoir) on all Aquafina labels in future.

Arrowhead Mountain Spring Water - Natural rain and snowfall give rise to four San Bernadino Mountain springs in California, where it was first bottled in 1894. A decade later it was being shipped to Los Angeles and further points east.

Evian - One of the more heavily advertised European brands to enter the American market, Evian gets its natural spring water from Source Cachat on the Vinzier Plateau in France.

Fiji Natural Artesian Water - First bottled for guests at the exclusive Wakaya Club in the Fiji islands, then launched as a brand in the later 90's in a distinctive square bottle and hibiscus flower logo. High silica content lends a smooth "mouth feel" and flavor while aiding in bone and joint health. But is it worth the extra cost? Fans say so.

Perrier - Today, the very name evokes sophistication, but its source has lied deep within the earth below Vergeze, France for millions of years. Naturally carbonated, extra fizz is provided by injection with carbon monoxide gas.

Poland Spring - It was first bottled in the 19th century, after seriously ill Maine innkeeper Joseph Ricker drank from a nearby natural spring and was restored to perfect health. Or so the legend goes. Today, Poland Spring comes in both still and sparkling versions.

San Pellegrino - The famous Italian brand gets its source from deep springs found in the mountains of Northern Italy, and worldwide can be commonly found in most food stores or served in Italian eateries.

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