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Friday, September 19, 2014


Personal Mastery Program
Next Personal Mastery Program begins October 30-November 2 (first weekend), 2014
This is a “complete package program” that gives you everything you need to create, and continue creating, the future you want.
Whether it’s health, wealth, love, or happiness you are hungry for, this mastery program will provide the skills, mindsets, and strategies to “program” yourself for dynamic success.
This is a proven experiential process. You cannot get it from books, CDEs, DVDs, videos, etc. You learn it through personal experience, and it personalizes to you as you learn it.
Once you learn the structure of change, and the tools for change, you become the master of change and can create whatever future you want.
These tools are not limited to one area of life. In fact they are effective because they function at deep levels beneath the surface level of content (our “story”). These tools and strategies function at the process level where we perceive and make meaning of our experience. That’s why they are so effective across context.
How we process our experience determines how we will respond to the people and events in our lives.
To respond differently (and get better results) we have to make meaning differently.
In this program you will learn new mindsets that expand your experience in ways that naturally generates new results. It’s about creating solid, tangible results that build the future you want.
Creating your future isn’t simple or easy, BUT it’s much simpler and easier than most people think. The trick is to have an in-person guide at your side stepping you through the process. You also get a manual to take with you as you continue to live your best future for the rest of your life.
There is nothing more thrilling than consciously creating the future you want.
It’s not fancy or slick and yet it will feel like magic each time you experience another shift in consciousness.
If you are someone who wants to be more, have more, and do more, Create Your Future Personal Mastery Program is perfect for you.
A full 22-day NLP PRACTITIONER TRAINING, 100% live, in-person, with Kay Ries. This Practitioner Training is unique in length and personal attention. Live, high quality, interactive experience is essential to mastering NLP, and you get 22 full days in this mastery program. As you learn how to use NLP with others you will also be applying it to your personal life, creating the future you want. The program contains all of the NLP skills, strategies and mindsets that lead to personal mastery. PLUS, you will learn how to apply NLP tools to integrate and empower essential elements of the Laws of Creation . When you combine both approaches to mastery, and creating your future, the synergistic effect is incredibly dynamic and rewarding.
MASTERY LABS meet weekly in the evening for 2 hours. These supervised, “hands-on” labs are where you will deepen your skills and develop proficiency and artistry As you learn you will continually apply your learnings for personal transformation, week by week. The practice you get in the Mastery Labs guarantees that the skills, strategies and mindsets you learn on the training weekends will naturally integrate into automatic behavior. You won’t have to think about them or remember to use them. They will simply be there working for you as you enjoy your life.
CREATE YOUR FUTURE Training Manual contains all of the content of the Program. Not having to take notes frees you to give your full attention to experiencing the program.  To get the full benefit of experiential learning you want all levels of your attention to be focused on receiving with all your senses. Taking notes interferes with this. The training manual gives you clear and accurate information at you finger tips throughout the program, and for the rest of your life.
A personal CREATE YOUR FUTURE Journal. They say “Be careful what you ask for because you may get it.” Your personal journal will help you clarify the future you want in the exact way that you want it. It will also help you deepen your relationship with yourself in wonderful and unexpected ways.

The combination of components of this program make it a powerful and unparalleled opportunity for anyone serious about personal mastery.
Plan ahead.  Register now and save $500!
Next Personal Mastery Program begins OCTOBER 30, 2014
Contact Kay for more details or visit 

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