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Sunday, February 22, 2015

Help Risk One Fight Cancer

My dearest best friend Marques (aka DJ Risk One) was recently diagnosed with an extremely rare and aggressive bladder cancer. 

He is one of the most genuine, selfless, humble individuals you'll ever meet. He's simple amazing!

Please consider donating to help cover the rapidly growing medical and daily living expenses. Any and all help is greatly appreciated! He has been referred to one of the top Urologists in the nation at UCSF to have surgery to completely remove and reconstruct his bladder. They will also be removing the prostate and surrounding lymph nodes as this is the only way to guarantee this terrible cancer will never return. 

This will be a huge surgery with life altering side effects and consequences, but will literally save his life.

I love you Marques! You will beat this and come out stronger than you already are. 
You really are the CSS to my HTML! 

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