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Wednesday, March 4, 2015

How to Simplify You Life

Buried in clutter? Calendar crammed with commitments? Not enough money to do what you want? Feel drained and tired? Wish there were a better way? There is! You can simplify your life and have more time and energy to do what you really love. The Simplify your Life online course will help you to focus on what’s most important to you, and will help you effectively strip away all the excess things, commitments, and financial problems that keep you from living your life as you want.

Simple living

Join Janet Luhrs, author of The Simple Living Guide, for this practical and inspiring course. Learn how you can view time in a completely new way—one that frees you from hectic scheduling. Discover ways to streamline your home or office so that clutter has no place. Let go of the constant quest for more money. Instead, embrace a way of life based on choices that reflect your needs rather than your wants. By the end of this course, you will have made some real changes in the areas that have you frantic, and developed some new strategies for allowing life to be more enjoyable!

Take advantage of the low introductory price of only $49.95 for the whole 8-week course, plus worksheets and charts. There are no prerequisites, except the desire to have a more3 streamlined, simplified, and rich life. 
You can enroll anytime at Simple Living and take advantage of this inspiring course at your own pace, on your on schedule, on your own time! 
Interested in how you can apply simple living principles to your own situation? If you have a question about simplification, and you'd like advice from an expert, feel free to ask Janet and she may address is in an upcoming blog post. 

Related Topics: The Simple Living Guide

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