I miss the college life!!
You know, back to school in September usually means shopping for new schools supplies, wardrobe, dorm decorations, etc. So, just because we graduate from college, it doesn't mean we should stop doing all that. I mean, most of us joined corporate America, work from home or do both. We spend endless hours at the office, meetings, networking, so I say make it work for you. I know I do!! lol, or at least I try. I spend more time at my desk than in my own bedroom. If it wasn't for Gchat, Facebook, Twitter, or texting... I would only talk to my friends on the weekends. And well... that's not really fun.
Decorate your work space. Go shopping if you can. Re-arrange your home.
Find that positive energy that keeps you going, even when things around you are beyond negative. Make it work for you!!
Do something new everyday. Learn something different. Even if it just means looking up a word in the dictionary. lol, yeah, I'm somewhat of a nerd. And for a minute, I got lost in the negativity that a corporate job brings your way.
This morning, I walked into my office with amazing energy, you know as I usually do and then my boss filled the room with his negative energy, as he usually does. So, today I decided to ignore it. Similar to those professors in college who you usually can't stand but need to learn to deal with.
So my goal for the rest of the month is to get back to doing what I LOVE. I need to find that balance between my work and the old Jenn. The one who used to have time to volunteer, update blogs, learn from others and teach whatever I can. So stay tuned... because I'm back!!