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Thursday, March 19, 2015

My Perfectly Imperfect Life

It's almost that time of the year again. 
That's right!! Spring is almost here, which means sunshine, new beginnings and of course... bikini season is right around the corner. About a year ago, I went from always being on the go and working out twice a day to sitting behind a desk and barely working out. Trust me, I'm not proud of it! Life happens and all you can do is focus on the journey ahead.

Simple Living
I started reading "The Simple Living Guide" and I cannot put it down. It is by far one of my all time favorites. If you are looking for ways to focus back on the simple pleasures of life, then this book is for you. It is an encyclopedia for simplifying life down to include only what makes you happy. It forces you to stop for a moment and ask yourself what the heck you are doing with your life. Which is exactly what I did!
These past few months have been rough. Luckily, I had an amazing support system who never left my side. At first I blamed it on "growing up" but quickly realized it was a combination of new responsibilities and a mundane routine. I was just going with the motions. Life became mundane, routine, mixed with lots of sadness. I found myself working crazy hours and not doing the things that bring me joy. And then it hit me, I was trapped by choice. 

No Ordinary FamilyIt was time to rekindle my passion and do more of what I love. But most important of all, it was time to love myself again. Now, don't get me wrong! I wasn't depressed, but I definitely wasn't happy. I wasn't loving myself the way I once did. I started listening to people's opinions about my life choices. Many of them blamed me for being selfish, even called me a narcissist. I felt like I was 29 going on 23I found myself losing all the confidence I gained after walking away from my college relationship. I started doubting my dreams, my purpose in life and didn't feel like I wasn't good enough. I couldn't understand why this was happening. 
Believe in YourselfSo, I allowed myself to feel the pain and took responsibility. I opened myself to learning about loving myself, questioned my beliefs and evaluated my actions. I made a list of all the things I love to do and started making time for them. As a result of carving out time for self living activities, I now feel happier and more positive which led me to making better decisions such as dietary choices, saying no to things I really don't want to do and people I don't wish to surround myself with. I no longer feel overwhelmed, exhausted and out of breath. Once again, I find myself walking on the right path. 

Now, my next challenge is finding balance. It seems that when one pillar of my life goes strong, say my professional life, my health and wellness suffer as a consequence. I started blocking out times in my calendar so I can make time for exercising, art projects and of course, most important of all, time for myself with myself. 

I began making changes to my crappy diet and even signed myself up for this year's Seattle Rock 'n' Roll Half Marathon. Don't get me wrong, I've done my share of races, but never a half marathon. It is definitely going to be quite the experience. I am slowly becoming a morning person once again, so that I can start my day early enough to fit a 5 mile run and some yoga. 

Queen Bee Salon & Spa I'm telling you, I am serious about loving me a little more. I purchased a treadmill for the house and went as far as making adjustments to it so it can quickly turn into a treadmill desk. I even have an appointment at Queen Bee Salon & Spa in a few days, so I can really get ready for bikini season with their signature treatment. I know that with the appropriate diet and exercise, between now and my next trip to the pool all I'll need to worry about is how quickly I can throw on my favorite polka dot bikini. 

Of course, with Spring also comes the need for de-cluttering and organization. A clean house equals an organized mind. Sadly, I'm such an emotional pack rat, so I often have a hard time saying goodbye to certain things that have been sitting in my closet for a while. Fortunately for me, I happen to live with someone who is very supportive of all my crazy ideas. Everything from art projects to building a green house in our backyard so I can garden all year long. I must confess that I haven't always done the same for him. It is something I am trying to change. 

My Perfectly Imperfect LifeLifestyle changes are a process that take time and require support. There is no such a thing as perfect person or a perfect life. We all make mistakes and will continue to make them until the day we die. Mistakes are necessary for personal growth. At the time they may feel like a roadblock, but ultimately they are a bridge that takes us to where lessons are learned and applied. 

Forgiveness frees us from the anger and resentment we carry inside our heart, mind and body. It allows us to move forward instead of remaining stuck in a dark time of the past. There will always be pain. Finding a way to process it without integrating it permanently into our story, is the key to overall well-being. Start each day with a grateful heart and let it lead you through all of your encounters and tasks. The answers will always come when we let our minds become still and quiet. 

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